
Rio Claro, Colombia

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kayaking in San Gil

Kayakers have a common bond. We all recognize the power of the river. Each one of us taps into our adrenaline to feel the power of water. Whitewater kayaking is an exhilerating sport, but the difference can be life or death. Kayakers have the ultimate respect for the rivers, understand and support each other. Kayaking is a dangerous sport and proper experience should be known prior to embarking on this new adventure. All kayakers understand you must be humble, because even the best boaters have been in challenging situations.

In San Gil lives a Colombian National Kayak Slalom Champion and contributing writer for Colombia Whitewater, Cesar. He follows his passion for the water and is the owner of Colombia Rafting. Cesar has inspired other kayakers by taking first descents all over Colombia and been influential in promoting the sport.

If Colombia kayaking is a destination that you seek to find incredible rivers explored by only a few brave souls, then read the book Colombia Whitewater. It is the bible for all boaters venturing into the unknown. Colombia's pristine whitewater is being discovered and now is the best time to explore.

Paola Sanchez, top female Colombian kayaker, is the part owner of Mariposa Azul rafting company. The company rafts on the rivers around Tobia, close to Bogota.

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