
Rio Claro, Colombia

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Suesca - Legends and Rocks

A stop in Suesca might not be exactly on the tourist track of Colombia, but if you are interested in a chill quiet town with amazing rock climbing, then Suesca is a must stop in your travels. Upon arrival, I met up with Hugo Racha, rock climbing guide who also rents a room in his house. A man who wears a heart / carabiner around his neck and makes his own climbing holds. He actually made the incredible rock wall at the Cathedral del Sal and sells his pieces to other stores. However, he excels at teaching people to rock climb. Contact Hugo at or on the web at

Upon arrival, he picked me up in his truck in which moments later, it died. A few nice kids pushed us around town until it started up again. The whole experience made me laugh - thinking in my head - what did I get myself into? His house is filled with rock gear and a climbing wall in which all visitors are invited to draw a picture. I choose a beautiful butterfly with ropes hanging down. In order to stay with Hugo, you must like his very friendly pitbull, chico, and his 16 year old cat. Hugo and I explored various routes rocks, that certainly challenged my mind as well as my muscles.

The next day, my body needed a rest, so I traveled to Guatavita for the day. After a few attempts to fix his car, I decided to take the bus. That night we shared a few beers and my favorite aguapanllela and cheese. Sounds strange but after you have one you become hooked. Hugo is a very "chill" guy and patience with new climbers. Even if you are an experienced climber, he is one to hook up with just to know the routes and difficulty levels.

Finally, after cleaning perhaps every part under the hood, his car began working. We visited Laguna de Guatavita. The spiritual energy of this place radiates from the center of the lake. Once a sacrifical place of the Muisca people, the story goes that a cheif would decorate his body with honey and gold flakes. The people would then give back to the earth by throwing in gold relics into the lake. Upon hearing of this "rich lake", the Spanish, Germans and English all tempted to drain the lake. Even though much gold has been found in and around the lake, it is known that relics still hide in the depth of this spiritual place. Reading the signs in around this area, open your mind to positive thoughts and the way of living for the Muisca people. These indigiouns population focused on the mind, meditation, and rituals.

1 comment:

  1. Your visit was realy nice, come to Suesca when ever you want, you'll be always welcome...
    good climbs
